Monday, February 08, 2010

Comprehensive Exam Thesis Statement in Philo 211

Choose 3:

1. The neighbor is the personal way I encounter another as a person, the interpersonal. The socius on the other hand, is the human relationship I have with an organized group or the person I encounter through his social function.

2. Human existence is fundamentally social in that (1) human existence has a historical character, (2) we need others to enter into the human world of meaning and to make it our own, and (3) being-together is a fundamental value which gives authentic fulfilment in our life.

3. The family is not a problem to be analyzed because it is not a reality from which we can wrench ourselves away and then look at objectively. Instead, it is something which we are always inextricably caught in.

4. Marcel complains how industrialization has lead to the erosion of many human values. He speaks of migration and depopulation of rural areas and the crowding of urban centers where values are predominantly material.

5. The family is a suprafunctional reality which rises above its three fundamental functions discerned by sociology: (1) the creation of a community, (2) the transmission of human values, (3) the satisfaction of certain material needs. What makes a family a family according to social philosophy is its togertherness which keeps all these functions going.

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